English: Yaksha (mysthical demon) "lifting" the southern of the Two Golden Phra Chedis (or pagodas) located on the Phaithee terrace in the Wat Phra Kaew (or Temple of the Emerald Buddha) in Bangkok, Thailand. The chedis were constructed by order of King Rama I in honor of his father (southern pagoda) and mother (northern pagoda) at the end of the 18th century. The structures are entirely covered with copper sheets, painted with lacquer and covered with gold leaf. The 20 demons and monkeys around the base were added later, at the end of the 19th century, by order of King Rama V.
Español: Iaksí (demonio místico) "levantando" el chedi (o pagoda) al sur de los Dos Chedis Phra Dorados situados en la terraza Phaithee terrace en el Wat Phra Kaew (o Templo del Buda Esmeralda) en Bangkok, Tailandia. Los chedis se construyeron por orden del Rey Rama I en honor a su padre (pagoda en el sur) y madre (pagoda en el norte) a finales del siglo XVIII. Las estructuras están totalmente cubiertas de hojas de cobre, pintadas con laca y cubiertas con hojas de oro. Los 20 demonios y monos alrededor de la base se añadieron más tarde, por orden del Rey Rama V.
Français : Yaksha (esprit de la nature) soutenant une pagode au sud des « Deux Chedis Phra Dorées » situées sur la terrasse Phaithi du Temple du Bouddha d'émeraude à Bangkok, en Thaïlande. Les chedis (pagodes) furent construites sur ordre du roi Rama Ier en l'honneur de son père (pagode sud) et de sa mère (pagode nord) fin XVIIIe. Elles sont entièrement couvertes de feuilles de cuivre, peintes avec de la laque et recouvertes de feuilles d'or. Les vingt démons et singes à leur bases ont été ajoutés plus tard, sous Rama V.
This is a photo of a monument in Thailand identified by the ID
Bosanski: Jakša (mistični demon) pridržava južni dio pagode Dvije zlatne Phra Chedis u hramu Wat Phra Kaew (ili Hram smaragnog Bude) u Bangkoku, Tajland.
Magyar: Jaksa (misztikus démon) "emeli" a két arany pagoda déli felét a Phaithee teraszon, a Wat Phra Kaew templomban (Emerald Buddha temploma) Bangkokban, Thaiföldön. A pagodákat I. Ráma thaiföldi király építtette az apja (déli pagoda) és anyja (északi pagoda) tiszteletére a 18. század végén. A szerkezet teljes egészét lakkozott és aranyozott rézlapok borítják. A húsz démont és majmot az alapzat körül később, a 19. század végén, V. Ráma thaiföldi király parancsára állították
Italiano: Uno Yaksi (uno spirito della mitologia indiana) che regge l'estremità meridionale del Phra Si Ratana Chedi, uno stupa dorato risalente al XIX secolo.
한국어: 태국방콕왓 프라깨오 (에메랄드 부다 사원)의 'Phaithee' 테라스에 위치한 '두 개의 금 프라 체디(탑)'의 남쪽을 떠받치고 있는 야차. 금탑들은 18세기말 라마 1세의 명에 의해 그의 아버지(남쪽 탑)와 어머니(북쪽 탑)을 기리기 위해 세워졌다. 전체를 얇은 동판으로 덮고, 칠을 하고 금박으로 덮었다. 19세기 말에는 라마 5세의 명으로 스무 귀신과 원숭이들이 아래쪽에 더해졌다.
English: Yaksha (mysthical demon) "lifting" the southern of the Two Golden Phra Chedis (or pagodas) located on the Phaithee terrace in the Wat Phra Kaew (or Temple of the Emerald Buddha) in Bangkok, Thailand. The chedis were constructed by order of King Rama I in honor of his father (southern pagoda) and mother (northern pagoda) at the end of the 18th century. The structures are entirely covered with copper sheets, painted with lacquer and covered with gold leaf. The 20 demons and monkeys around the base were added later, at the end of the 19th century, by order of King Rama V.
Other languages:
Bosanski: Jakša (mistični demon) pridržava južni dio pagode Dvije zlatne Phra Chedis u hramu Wat Phra Kaew (ili Hram smaragnog Bude) u Bangkoku, Tajland.
English: Yaksha (mysthical demon) "lifting" the southern of the Two Golden Phra Chedis (or pagodas) located on the Phaithee terrace in the Wat Phra Kaew (or Temple of the Emerald Buddha) in Bangkok, Thailand. The chedis were constructed by order of King Rama I in honor of his father (southern pagoda) and mother (northern pagoda) at the end of the 18th century. The structures are entirely covered with copper sheets, painted with lacquer and covered with gold leaf. The 20 demons and monkeys around the base were added later, at the end of the 19th century, by order of King Rama V.
Español: Iaksí (demonio místico) "levantando" el chedi (o pagoda) al sur de los Dos Chedis Phra Dorados situados en la terraza Phaithee terrace en el Wat Phra Kaew (o Templo del Buda Esmeralda) en Bangkok, Tailandia. Los chedis se construyeron por orden del Rey Rama I en honor a su padre (pagoda en el sur) y madre (pagoda en el norte) a finales del siglo XVIII. Las estructuras están totalmente cubiertas de hojas de cobre, pintadas con laca y cubiertas con hojas de oro. Los 20 demonios y monos alrededor de la base se añadieron más tarde, por orden del Rey Rama V.
Français : Yaksha (esprit de la nature) soutenant une pagode au sud des « Deux Chedis Phra Dorées » situées sur la terrasse Phaithi du Temple du Bouddha d'émeraude à Bangkok, en Thaïlande.
Italiano: Uno Yaksi (uno spirito della mitologia indiana) che regge l'estremità meridionale del Phra Si Ratana Chedi, uno stupa dorato risalente al XIX secolo.
Magyar: Jaksa (misztikus démon) "emeli" a két arany pagoda déli felét a Phaithee teraszon, a Wat Phra Kaew templomban (Emerald Buddha temploma) Bangkokban, Thaiföldön. A pagodákat I. Ráma thaiföldi király építtette az apja (déli pagoda) és anyja (északi pagoda) tiszteletére a 18. század végén. A szerkezet teljes egészét lakkozott és aranyozott rézlapok borítják. A húsz démont és majmot az alapzat körül később, a 19. század végén, V. Ráma thaiföldi király parancsára állították
한국어: 태국방콕왓 프라깨오 (에메랄드 부다 사원)의 'Phaithee' 테라스에 위치한 '두 개의 금 프라 체디(탑)'의 남쪽을 떠받치고 있는 야차. 금탑들은 18세기말 라마 1세의 명에 의해 그의 아버지(남쪽 탑)와 어머니(북쪽 탑)을 기리기 위해 세워졌다. 전체를 얇은 동판으로 덮고, 칠을 하고 금박으로 덮었다. 19세기 말에는 라마 5세의 명으로 스무 귀신과 원숭이들이 아래쪽에 더해졌다.
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